Sunday, November 2, 2008


Adam is a missionary from Utah- He has been in my area for 4 months now and is about to move onto a new area- In the short time he has been here he has taught me so much, he has helped me realize that I am worthy to enter the Temple, that I can live without caffeine in my life and that no matter what life is good- I knew from the first time I met him that we would be life long friends and that no matter where we go in life we will always be there for one another- I am so grateful that he was able to go with me to the Temple for my endowment, it was such a special day and I couldn't imagine going without him, because of him I over came my insecurities and really believed I was worthy- He taught me that just because I am a convert to the church and don't know every scripture that it was ok to enter the Temple because I was living my life the right way- I was always felt that because I didn't know the scriptures like the people raised in the church that I wasn't ready to enter the Temple, but he said it didn't matter because he was raised in the church and still didn't know everything about the scriptures, that it is a life long journey to learn them and understand them and not to let that get in the way of me entering the Temple and receiving the many blessings that would come to me by doing so- I will miss our long talks about life, his family, my family, just casual conversation that seemed to come so easily- For those who know me know that conversation isn't so easy for me, I am very guarded but with him no walls just a sense of peace and happiness- He has such an amazing spirit about him, I will miss hearing about his bow hunting experiences, the stories about home and the light in his eyes when he talks about his Mom-I will miss his laughter everyday, his analogies when he is trying to explain something to me that I just don't understand, but what I will miss most is the way he always made me feel like everything was going to be alright while he was around me- I will not say goodbye to him on Tuesday I don't believe in goodbyes I will say until we meet again~ I will always have a special place in my heart for him and he knows that, I will always be grateful to Heavenly Father for sending him here to us- I know that when he leaves on Tuesday his new area will be receiving a person who has a lot to offer, an amazing spirit and I hope that the people will have an open heart and see what a great missionary he is! I know we will send emails and stay in contact so that is why I will not say goodbye, it will be until next time my friend~    

1 comment:

  1. Cynthia I am so glad that you started a blog!! It looks great!! You are doing everything perfect!!! If you want to change blog back grounds there are 2 links on my blog that you can go to to get backgrounds! The instructions are really basic if you follow them step by step! If you have questions just call me and I can walk you through everything that you want to do! I am sorry I missed your call a week or so ago my phones battery is going out so I only have 5 min tops to talk so I need to get a knew phone then I can call you!! Anyway like i said call me on Joes phone if you want to talk about blogging and I can tell you how to do music and all that stuff too! Hope all is well! Can't wait to see more posts!!
