Friday, October 31, 2008

10 Things

10 Things about me ~

  1. I LOVE sports! 
  2. Cooking is my way of relaxing, call me crazy I know
  3. I love the smell right after it rains, makes me think of my childhood
  4. I write in  3 journals daily,( 1 for me, 1 for my daughter and 1 for my son) and I haven't missed a day in any of them
  5. I am terrified to fly 
  6. Camping is one of my all time favorite things to do (next to going to a cubbies, duke or hurricane game) 
  7. My favorite flowers are the gardenia and sunflower
  8. I read at least 2 books a week
  9. I am shy
  10. Love road trips, especially in the fall when I head to Vermont, heavenly!!