Monday, June 15, 2009

Figuring it out

On Saturday I went to Lake Pine. It is a park close to the house that has a nice 2 mile paved path around the lake. I ran 2 miles without feeling any pain in my ankle, so I thought I would try another lap around the lake and about half way through that second lap my ankle was KILLING me so I once again had to walk the rest of the way. I am beyond frustrated with trying to figure this out. I want to just run..... This morning I went running and I tried the run for 2 minutes walk for 3 since my running coach suggested trying that to help build up the strength in my ankle and I don't know if that will make any difference since I only ran 2 miles this morning. I am going out tonight for another 2 mile run and will try his advice for a week and see how things go. I am keeping running journal everyday so I can see where I have improved and how my ankle does at different parks and distances. I hope that will help solve my problems with my ankle.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

My Hair

Tonight I went to a fundraising meeting with my friend Katie. It was not what we had hoped it would be, we thought it would be about new ideas we hadn't heard before but it was really just going over the same stuff we had heard several times before. On the drive home we were trying to come up with some new ideas and really be creative and I thought well why not shave my hair off to the highest bidder over $500. No joke, I will let the person who donates the highest amount over $500 shave my hair off. I mean it wouldn't be the first time I was without hair and the money goes to a fabulous cause. It is a win win for all involved... Cancer is such a scary thing, and I know from experience just how scary it is. But I truly believe in this cause, we need to find a cure for all cancers! I am even going to go down to the local news paper and ask them what I need to do to put an article in. I will keep you all posted to the outcome, even post photos of before and after.

Monday, June 8, 2009


On Saturday was the first team training.. I got there early (I hate being late for ANYTHING). When I arrived Julie was there setting things up and what not so I got a chance to talk to her and get to know her a little better. She is such a positive person and has a great sense of humor. After a team meeting that lasted about 35 minutes we hit the trail with the coach's. There were 3 teams training together, Raleigh, Durham and the Triathlon Team. I will admit I did not like having so many people there on the trail, but I guess I should get over that since I will be around thousands more come marathon day. Anyway I started out at a slower pace because I hadn't actually ran on my ankle since I had surgery to put it all back together. I felt my pace was a bit slow so I picked it up a little and that felt fine. I noticed after a while however that I was getting shooting pain in my ankle and then I felt the pop. So I stopped running and walked, talk about total disappointment. I felt like such a failure that I had to stop. I mean I was feeling really good about my pace and how I was able to still carry on a conversation and not be winded at all but just my ankle wouldn't cooperate with the rest of my body, really disappointing.. After I walked for a bit I noticed we had a small hill to run up so I thought well lets give it a shot and see how we do with that. I ran up it and I noticed again the shooting pain and the pop sound again so once I got to the top I walked. I don't know what the deal is with my ankle but I will NOT allow it to stop me from completing this goal of mine. I am running for those who can not run, I am running for me as well, even though I didn't have any of the cancers that I am raising awareness for I am still a cancer survivor.... I want this to be a positive experience in my life, I want to look back on it and say "I did it!!" I want this to be a wonderful time in my life, so my ankle will have to learn to get over it and let me run darn it!!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Nike Women's Marathon

Well since my last post I have been a little busy with something and I didn't really think anyone would want to hear about it but then I was told that people would want to hear about it so here is the big news, I have signed up to run in the Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco. I started walking a few weeks ago with my friend Katie who is also doing the marathon. I have walked in the past 2 weeks over 25 miles and this weekend is the first team training and I am very excited about it! I plan to run the course but since I broke my ankle a few years back in 5 places and have plates and screws holding things together I thought walking would be the best way to get back into things so this weekend when I actually train with the team I will run and see how things feel but I have made a promise to myself that I will run the entire course and I will cross that finish line.... I will update this blog every few days with my progress.